The 'Palace Revolution' That Changed the AFL-CIO

By Harry Kelber

"We're going to spend whatever it takes, work as hard as it takes and stick with it as long as it takes to help American workers win the right to speak for themselves in strong unions. This is what we mean by a 'New Voice for American Workers.'"
— John J. Sweeney, President, AFL-CIO, at the AFL-CIO 1995 convention

"In the history of the AFL-CIO, there had never been even the slightest hint of opposition to its top leaders...Indeed, the AFL-CIO and its predecessor, the American Federation of Labor operated like a quasi-monarchy."
— excerpt from The 'Palace Revolution' That Changed the AFL-CIO

What really happened behind the scenes before and during the historic 1995 convention that transformed the AFL-CIO and featured the first contested elections for top offices in its 40-year history?

This eye-opening booklet from The Labor Educator provides the answer and a unique perspective on the future of organized labor. No one is better qualified to explain these events than Harry Kelber, who was both a reporter and a key participant.

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